Monday, May 25, 2020

Evaluation Of A Facility Assessment Tour Essay - 722 Words

Why do we need this? : How to perform a Facility Assessment Tour Topic: What to look for during a F.A.C.T. Tour General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: At the end of my presentation, my audience should have the basic knowledge needed to perform a Facility Assessment Tour, and understand the need for performing them. Thesis: Today I will review with you what a Facility Assessment Tour is and I will give you the tools to perform a survey successfully as a team. INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the FACT Team each of you has been selected because of the experience you have in one field. Together we make up a team responsible for keeping our facility safe and in compliance. This past year the Dollar General Corporation was fined $163,000.00 for having the fire exits blocked with boxes while unloading stock. Our building consists of 500,000 sq. Feet with on average 1500 people in it at all times, can you imagine how hard it is to keep this building from receiving such a fine. We have approximately twenty inspections a year from various federal and state agencies. This teams purpose is to educate our staff on violations found during our inspections and hopefully reduce the findings during these yearly inspections. Our facility has been in the top three of the 68 hospitals in our system because of this team performance for the past eight years. My job as chair of this team is to oversee and teach each of you how to perform these tours while educating o ur staff. InShow MoreRelatedThe Test Of Radioactive Inventory Control1395 Words   |  6 Pagesthe AGHCF staff a total of six individuals, one assistant facility manager, one chief hot cell technician and four hot cell operators. 5.2. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Ken Kesey s One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest

Mental illness has always been around, and asylums have been around since 1406 CE. Patients were treated like animals in the asylums up until 1946 when President Truman signed a law called the National Mental Health act. People speaking about mental illness is more of a recent thing because before people were just thrown away when they even mentioned mental illness. Once the mentally ill were gone, the public would ignore the entire issue, in the late 1880s Nelly Bly posed as a mentally ill woman for an article she was writing, she wrote about the mistreatment the patients got, and once her articles were published the public could no longer ignore what was happening right under their noses. It took years for people to improve the treatment patients in a mental hospital received and not many people helped with that. Today, people are becoming more outspoken about mental illness, why? In Ken Kesey’s One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, before McMurphy enters the hospital, it was all in perfect order, everyone would talk about their experience and what went through their heads. At one time, Randle McMurphy, a new patient at the hospital speaks about his own insanity with pride, â€Å"â€Å"Don’t overlook the possibility that this man might be feigning psychosis to escape the drudgery of the work farm.† He looks up at McMurphy. â€Å"And what about that, Mr. McMurphy?† â€Å"Doctor†-he stands up to his full height, wrinkles his forehead, and holds out both his arms, open and honest to all the wideShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey1226 Words   |  5 Pagescontent more interesting. The novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by, Ken Kesey, contains several literary theories that made the classic story successful. The storyline was interesting enough for it to be turned into a movie and an altered version Broadway play. At one point Time Magazine included this novel into its top one hundred novels list. What made this book so fascinating to read and successful was the use of several literacy theories. One of the main literacy theories presentRead MoreAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey1622 Words   |  7 Pagesor someone. Leadership on the other hand, may be a tool used to overcome authority which is depicted when McMurphy is admitted into the ward and effectively changes the patient’s lives for the better. Throughout the novel, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey, McMurphy’s leadership dominates Nurse Ratched’s authority due to his success in transforming the patients into better people from the second of his arrival and giving them the option to live a better life. McMurphy, a gamblerRead MoreAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey1498 Words   |  6 Pagesdevelopment of patients of the psychological institution of the book One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. The patients in the psychic ward each demonstrates different characteristics that corresponded to fixation from each stage of development through daily activity and the way that they present themselves. It also illustrates societal stereotype to these fixation and lead to unhealthy psychological environment to improve patient s’ internal health. The five stages of psychosexual developmentRead MoreAn Analysis Of Ken Kesey s One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest 1311 Words   |  6 PagesWhile One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is only a little over fifty years old, it feels like an even more dated story then some things written hundreds of years ago. This is because it is set in a field, psychology, that is constantly evolving and makes drastic progress in short amounts of time. The sexist and racist undertones coupled with the outdated view of psychology dates the book and undercuts the theme of the story. Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. It is only roughlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Ken Kesey s One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest2637 Words   |  11 Pages The Author and His/Her Times: Ken Kesey was born on September 17, 1935 and died on November 10, 2011 at age 66. Kesey was once arrested for possession of marijuana and a â€Å"faked suicide† and was put into prison for five years. He also had a lot of experimentation with psychoactive drugs, which could spark his interest in the human mind, which has a lot of influence on the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The novel was put on The Times list of To honor Kesey after his death, there is a filmRead MoreAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey1195 Words   |  5 Pageseveryday life, there is always an unequal distribution of power. More often than not, someone has more power than another. For example, nurses and patients in a mental institution; the nurses have authority over the pat ients. In the classic novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey, Nurse Ratched makes sure that all of the patients are weaker than she is. Since she is clearly the head of the ward, Nurse Ratched is able to control the patients and their actions. However, when an independentRead MoreOne Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Speech Act Theory Essay1281 Words   |  6 PagesKen Kesey forms the intricate relationships among the characters in the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by the unique use of perspective and speech. Throughout the novel, Kesey depicts this connection between the public world and the seemingly closed off society inside the mental institution. This creates two separate spheres separated by a few walls and doors. Kesey goes on to form a unique perspective in the novel, told by a paranoid schizophrenic, with the narrator’s caricature-likeRead MoreKen Kesey s One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest1629 Words   |  7 Pages1962, Ken Keseyâ€⠄¢s One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest is a timeless classic. This novel has been subject to analysis through many different literary lenses: feminist, Marxist, and of course, psychoanalytic. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest provides a plethora of evidence when it comes to using the psychoanalytic lens. The lens in question deals with the teaching of Sigmund Freud. When reading this novel, the audience sees quite clearly that the world of psychology plays an impactful role in One Flew Over

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Qualities of a Counsellor-Free-Sample for Students-Myassignmnthelp

Question: Discuss about the Qualities of a Counsellor. Answer: Introduction: Counseling can be defined as a profession in health and social care where the clients obtain advice and guidance that will help them get through difficult times in their lives. Hence it has to be mentioned that for any professional counselor, the job responsibility and entails dealing with the mental and emotional state of the clients. In order to be able to do so a professional help but requires a few attributes and traits (Nelson-Jones, 2015). This assignment will focus on four of the characteristic traits elements of professional counselors that help facilitate the efficiency of the counselling they provide. Personality of the helper: According to the Brammer MacDonald (1999), the personality characteristics of a professional counselling helper have a profound role on the therapeutic outcomes. It has been discovered that the personality traits of a helper defines how the counselling style and approach develops within the helper. First and foremost, personality traits that a counselling helper would need are patience, compassion, and resilience. According to the Collins Arthur (2010), a counsellor and his approach can make a vast difference in the life of the clients. A client seeking therapy depends incredibly on his helper; hence the helper should also be empathetic and compassionate to the problems that the client is facing no matter how insignificant it may seem. A counsellor has to have a personality that will motivate the clients and help them develop a respectful and trusting therapeutic relationship with the counsellor. It has to be understood that it successful effective counselling therapy depends on th e communicational comfort and interaction between the client and the help provider. Hence the personality of the help of should also mirror empathy and compassion along with expert knowledge and understanding, in order to gain the comfort and trust of the clients so that they can share their personal preferences and grievances easily with their helper. Helping skills: Along with having expertise and theoretical knowledge in the aspect of counselling and psychotherapy, booming career of an efficient counselor also depends on the helping skills. A counseling therapist must entertain genuine interest in others wellbeing in order to become a compassionate and sympathetic helper. Professional counseling depends on the ability to observe the clients and their problems, efficient observers. Hence having active listening and observing skills on multiple levels are mandatory for a helper (Brammer MacDonald, 1999). Lastly it has to be mentioned that accessibility and flexibility of the helper are the helping skills that will facilitate better understanding and will help to provide more efficient therapeutic help to the clients. Elaborating more, the clients can only be benefitted by the help if the helper is accessible and open minded to their specific issues. An accessible and flexible approach can be beneficial to build a rapport with a client and provid e targeted therapeutic help (Culley Bond, 2011). Growth facilitating conditions: It has to be mentioned that in case of a counselling therapy, it is very important for there to be a steady emotional and psychological betterment and growth for the patients or clients. Hence, there is need for the growth conditions to be compassionate, open minded,flexible, and most importantly, free from any high degree of imbalanced transference (Brammer MacDonald, 1999). It has to be mentioned in this context that in case of a therapeutic relationship, the dependence of the client on the therapy provider hence the transference is also high. For the environment of the therapy to have growth facilitating conditions, the therapist must maintain the professional and ethical boundaries. Along with that, the individuals values and principles of the clients are also needed to be taken into account while engaging in the therapeutic relationship to ensure optimal comfort and growth facilitating condition of the therapy (McMahon, 2014). Specific outcomes: Person centred care is one of the greatest and most integral elements associated with the concept of health and social care. And one core variable that affects the efficacy of the person centred care is the specific outcomes, and outcome oriented care planning. In case of counselling and therapy as well, the importance of specific outcome oriented therapeutic planning and execution has profound implications on the recovery progress of the clients. In this regard, the authors have mentioned that every client has a unique psych and no clients can be considered to benefitted by the helpers must be focussed on the person centred specific outcomes in order to address the specific needs of the clients (Nelson-Jones, 2013). Conclusion: On a concluding note, it has to be mentioned that these four can be considered few of the core competencies of an effective counselling professional. And with more emphasis on the above mentioned attributes and skills the therapeutic service standards can be enhanced effectively along with satisfaction among the service users. References: Brammer, L. M., MacDonald, G. (1999). The helping relationship: Process and skills (7th.) Collins, S., Arthur, N. (2010). Culture-infused counselling: A fresh look at a classic framework of multicultural counselling competencies.Counselling Psychology Quarterly,23(2), 203-216. Culley, S., Bond, T. (2011).Integrative counselling skills in action. Sage Publications. McMahon, G. (2014).Handbook of counselling. Routledge. Nelson-Jones, R. (2013).Practical counselling and helping skills: text and activities for the lifeskills counselling model. Sage. Nelson-Jones, R. (2015).Basic counselling skills: a helper's manual. Sage.